Have you ever thought of how to buy petrol at a cheaper price? Or how to reduce your toll costs? There are viable ways of reducing your transportation costs. When you commute every morning and evening, look around you in the traffic jam -there are so many single occupancy cars. The reliance on cars to travel to and from work has become a necessity for many, but the problems associated to driving have become more and more apparent. Examples of the negative impacts of having too many cars on the roads are:
-Congestion and delays - traffic jam
-Parking problem
-Poor air quality - vehicles are a major source of hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide
-Contribution to global warming through usage of petrol
-Deteriorating fitness and health
One way of reducing the number of cars on the road is by carpooling. Carpooling is an arrangement by a group of people to commute together in the same car to their office (or offices). Carpools usually consist of individuals who live near each other and are employees of different companies located only a short distance apart and have the same working hours.
Benefits of Carpooling
Commuting is expensive when you drive alone. Petrol, tolls and parking can add up to thousands of ringgit every year. There could very likely be people in your neighbourhood commuting to the same place as you on a daily basis. By carpooling with just one other person, you can cut those costs by half. Add another person or two and your costs will be even lower. In addition to cost saving, carpooling has many benefits such as;
(i) Feeling of Relaxation
The greatest advantage of carpooling is the feeling of relaxation while reaching to office. The feeling of relaxation rejuvenates you to start your work natural fresh. Employees who carpool shows improved productivity, less tardiness, and lower absenteeism.
(ii) Financial Savings
Spend less on petrol, toll, parking, vehicle wear and tear, or transportation fares.
(iii) Environmental Friendly
With fewer vehicles on the road every day, we can enjoy fresher air.
(iv) Reduce Traffic Chaos
Carpooling reduces the number of automobiles on the road and helps reduce traffic congestion.
So, why waste time concentrating on driving? Why drive and listen to boring radio channel? Let's find a few friends to carpool. We can easily expand our social group by carpooling with others.
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