What are habits? Habits are automatic routines of behaviour that are repeated regularly and unconsciously. They are learned, not instinctive. Therefore, habits can be unlearned and relearn. For this issue we are focusing on changing our time management habits. Changing time management habits takes time (no pun intended) and effort, and it is always easier when you have practical pointers that are easy to keep in mind and follow.

All of us in the Bank agree to the fact that our jobs are becoming more and more challenging day by day. Therefore, to achieve the goals that are set for us and to accomplish our job to the best that we could, we have to be an efficient and effective employee. Thus, we need to learn how to manage our time as time management are essential skills for effective people. People who manage their time effectively are the highest achievers in all walks of life. If you manage time well, then you will be able to function exceptionally well, even under intense pressure.

Concentrate on results, not on being busy...

Many people spend their days in a frenzy of activities, but achieve very little because they are not concentrating their effort on the things that matter the most.

Here are some pointers on time management to help us use our time wisely:

1. Plan each day.
Planning your day can help you feel more in control of your life. Write a to-do list, putting the most important tasks at the top. Keep a schedule of your daily activities to minimize conflicts and last minute rushes.

2. Set your priorities.
No matter how much you approach time management, there will always be some limitations. Whoever you are, there are only twenty four given hours in a day. The key is not to priorities what is on your schedule, but to schedule priorities.

3. Differentiate between the urgent and the vital.
The urgent may be noise to get your attention, but it is rarely vital that it be done right now or at all. The vital tasks are those that lead you to your goals, and give you most of the long term progress and reward. Those tasks are very often not urgent. Many urgent tasks are not really vital.

4. Say “No” to non-essential tasks, not the person.
Consider your goals and schedule before agreeing to take on additional task. You cannot do everything everyone asks you to do.

5. Learn how to effectively delegate.
First take a look at you to-do list and consider what you can eliminate or pass on to someone else. Remember, do not delegate what you can eliminate. If you should not be doing an activity, then perhaps you should not be giving the activity away to others. Tips on delegation is to pick the right persons, give clear directions, set benchmark and due dates, and then let them do it.

6. Overcoming procrastination.
Procrastination has a lot of different causes: fear, boredom, perfectionism, an overwhelming task and unclear goals. Identify the reason behind procrastination, so you are solving the right problem when dealing with it.

7. Take the time you need to do a quality job.
Always remember “Do things right the first time”. Doing work right the first time may take more time upfront, but time spent in making corrections is very unproductive and frustating.

8. Close the loop
No dangling threads. When the task is done, do not forget the action of getting that task completely off your plate. Send the email, make the phone call, file it. Whatever. When it’s done, it’s done. Get it off your desk.

Finally, do not forget to make sure you have fun actions in your list too. Do not read the joke from your friend now. Put it aside and wait until you really need that laugh in between actions. And then, do not feel guilty for taking the time to read it.

Top Tip
Time management really can be easy. Fact. You are in control of your time.
If you take away one time management tip, remember that good time management is about knowing what’s most important and doing that the most. And you don’t need a fancy diary for that!

Watch your Thoughts. For they become Words.
Watch your Words. For they Become Actions.
Watch your Actions. For they Become Habits.
Watch your Habits. For they Become Character.

Watch your Character. For it becomes your Destiny.